USAFA Class of 1978 45th Reunion
Attention in the Area!
Latest Information
Class of 1978 Reunion Registration site: Please note that registration will close on 25 Oct 2023. Furthermore for Cadet Area Access please note that you must have a completed the registration, with all required contact and Security Information no later than September 21, 2023 to comply with Base Security.
1. The AOG does all of the contract negotiations with the hotel. They put together the registration site. They arrange all details with USAFA for tours and such. They book Arnold Hall for the memorial. They provide contact information for our class, and a host of other details. For that service, they charge a fee of $50 each for the graduate, and $40 each for guests (children 11 and under are not charged.) Because of security background checks, there is a deadline of September 21st for registration. If you register after that, you will not be able to access the cadet area and a $25 late fee is assessed. If a person does not care to access the cadet area, then the registration deadline is October 25th, but you will still have to pay the late fee (I don't get it, but that's what is on the site.) Just have your guys get this done now.
2. Unless the graduate has not booked a hotel room, there is no need to book it here. If they need a room and want it with the rest of the class, they need to book it ASAP because the rooms are running out.
3. Football tickets: If you guys have booked tickets for your group, then there is no need to buy a ticket on this site (same link.) If they don't have tickets and need a ticket and it doesn't really matter where they sit, then they need to get a ticket. Clicking the link here will get them in the section at least.
4. Here is what they really need to register and pay for (besides the AOG fees.) 1. Register and pay for the mixer 2. Register and pay for the tailgate 3. Lunch at Mitchell Hall on Friday, if desired.
5. As published before, we have class-specific (Class crest embroidered on the item) clothing for sale. This is the only place you can get stuff with our crest on it, so if you want that, order here. Don't put that off either, since they only ship on the 1st and 15th of each month. I will say, the items are good quality. There are places at USAFA (AOG building, visitor's center gift shop) to buy generic Air Force Academy gear. But they are very expensive ($40 for a hat, etc.) So if you want to buy some generic USAFA hats, shirts, jackets while you are here, they have stuff at Walmart, Sam's Club, Costco and the BX (for ID card holders.) I just checked with Walmart online and they do have USAFA stuff there to order, if you want something for yourself before you come or your grandkids.
6. Lastly, there is a line for donations to our Class of 1978 Fund. This fund is to be used for whatever our class wants to use it for. This is not for the class gift to USAFA. Our mixer on Thursday night is being subsidized by this fund. Please donate an amount you feel comfortable with. For our 50th reunion, if we can build up this fund, we can use the money to order a nice gift for everybody and/or subsidize a banquet.
USAFA Class of 1978 45th Reunion
Tentative Schedule
Thursday, November 2, 2023
- Check-in: 1200-1700
- Class Mixer: 1700-1900
Friday, November 3, 2023
- Check-in: 0800-0900
- USAFA Open House: 1000-1200
- Parade on the Terrazzo: 1145
- Memorial at Arnold Hall: 1300
- Briefings: Madera Center, Senior Leadership, Center for Character Development
- Tribute to classmates at the cemetery: 0900-1600
- Squadron Activities & Dinners: At your discretion
Saturday, November 4, 2023
- Pre-game Tailgate @ Mile High Stadium: (Still TBD)
- AFA vs Army Football game: 1230-1630
- Dinner @ Casa Bonita (or your choice): 1700
Class Advisory Senate (CAS) News
The most recent Class Advisory Senate (CAS) meeting was held on 18 July. Read the agenda. The minutes and a briefing from the USAFA Prep School commander, Col. Michael Cornelius, Class of 2000, will be posted on the AOG website.
Speaking of websites ...
Most everything you need to know is somewhere on the AOG website or Air Force Academy Foundation website.
If you haven't visited the websites for a while, check them out. There is LOTS of information if you spend a little time exploring, such as updates on current USAFA activities, upcoming events, Checkpoints (don't miss the June 2023 feature article on Larry James), an easy AOG Membership "Opt In" link ('78 is at 62% AOG membership and growing) and even reunion information.
Speaking of reunions ...
Reunion Basics (2-4 November)
· Reunion Hotel: Colorado Springs Marriott
· Class merchandise
· Thursday, 2 November: Class mixer at Colorado Springs Marriott
· Friday, 3 November: Memorial service in Arnold Hall
· Saturday, 4 November, 12:30 p.m. kickoff: Football game (Beat Army!) at Empower Field at Mile High Stadium in Denver. Buy tickets.
· Saturday, 4 November: If the Zoo doesn't take you back to the ‘70s, how about a post-game get together at Casa Bonita in Denver?
If you want to be counted in on these events, get in touch with your squadron reps.
'78 is Great!
Wayne Hermandorfer
'78 Class Advisory Senate Representative
703-216-4644 (cell)
Previous Information
John Paterson, / (719)-210-4107, and Blake "Buddah" Lindner, / (719)-373-0312 are leading the Reunion Committee charge.
Many details are being finalized by the Reunion Committee and the AOG. With the Cadet Chapel and Falcon Stadium under construction, USAFA hosting a CORONA Conference, and the reunion HQ hotel in Colorado Springs and the football game in Denver, most coordination will be focused through your cadet squadron classmates. We desperately need squadron reps for: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 12, 20, 22, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34. Please contact either John or Blake about being a squadron rep.
Tentative Schedule of Events
November 2nd (Thursday) — Check-in at the Marriot Colorado Springs (off of Rockrimmon Blvd). The rate is $149 + tax (10.2%) not including breakfast. You must use the following link to book the rooms at that rate reserved for our reunion. Please note, we only have 120 rooms. It is possible these rooms will be taken if you wait too long. Link to: Book your group rate for AOG1978
There will be a mixer (time/location TBD). Thursday night is also available for the squadron dinners.
November 3rd (Friday) — Class Memorial Ceremony (time/location TBD). Due to the large number of folks going to the memorial, it might be held at Arnold Hall instead of the pavilion at the cemetery (which is limited to 175). But we will be marking all of our classmates buried there for easy identification if folks want to pay their respects during the reunion.
Class Banquet (time/location TBD, but hopefully at the hotel). We are also discussing if we should have a plated, sit-down dinner or an hors d'oeuvres and drinks event with open seating at tables. Because there is a significant difference in cost, we will be following up this email with dinner options and costs.
November 4th (Saturday) — Game Day. Air Force vs. Army at Empower Field / Mile High Stadium in Denver. (John/Blake are working on bus transportation to the game - time TBD)
Friday 21 April 2023 From John Paterson ’78, Reunion Organizing Committee
Fellow Falcons,
To all the Squadron POC's, thanks for getting the word out. As a result, the rooms are booking up fast. Due to the surge, we are adding rooms. Some folks are coming early and leaving later. So we have added rooms on Wednesday and Sunday. Still at the contracted rate. This is important: You are allowed to cancel up to 48 hours prior without penalty. So, if people are not sure, go ahead and book the room.
As I have mentioned, we are the only class having a reunion during that weekend, so there is not a lot of competition for space. But, it is Corona Weekend and they appear to have Arnold Hall theater booked most of the day for briefings. (You still will be able to tour the building and remember that first formal ball you attended. Be advised, Pegasus has moved, maybe flew away. It wasn't anybody from our class!)
So we are looking for a new space for the memorial. One of the possibilities is Doolittle Hall (AOG Building.) We have lots of people who want to attend the memorial and have exceeded the capacity of the pavilion at the cemetery. Note: If the weather is beautiful, it is possible to have the pavilion and have additional chairs outside (the walls open) for more people. The memorial at the cemetery is nice because people can visit the graves of our classmates after the ceremony. I am not promising anything, but we are looking at the best options, but still have a good facility for inclement weather. In any case, we still plan to mark all of our classmates graves with flags, so anybody during the weekend can come by and pay their respects.
Football game. I am in touch with the Athletic Ticket office and they are working on a block of seats for the whole class. More to come on that. If squadrons are interested in a box, let me know and I will see what the deal is.
Let me say this also. I know I did not make people happy by changing the hotel. There were people that were happy with the Denver plan (as was I) but there were others that were not. It is what it is now and we will make this work and still have a great time. One area of concern is the transportation issue. As mentioned before, the light rail goes from the Lincoln station to Mile High stadium (30 minute ride.) The Lincoln station is in south Denver and about 40 minutes from USAFA (a little further from the hotel.) Parking at Mile High for the game (not official yet) will be about $60 if you can believe that! Parking at the Lincoln station is free. Talk to your guys about ground transportation for the weekend. Consider renting some vans and carpooling for part of the weekend. I know people will be flying into Denver and COS (Southwest Airlines now flies into COS. So try to coordinate rental vehicles to pick up folks and to go to the various activities.
Next, and this is important to get some good feedback. We have not decided on the class gathering format nor the day yet. I will know next week the cost difference between a plated sit-down banquet and a heavy hors d'oeuvres open-seated gathering. Start asking your guys which they want. Also, ask them if they want to have a squadron dinner one night.
Now, I know there are some squadrons that will have only a few people attending. If that is the case, let this group know via this email. Ask this group if they wouldn't mind some extra guys to join in on their squadron activity. (You may have to do some serious initiations rituals, but it might be worth it!)
There will be more to come. And, remember, if you have any questions please feel free to email me anytime.
78 is definitely Great,
John Paterson
Additional information about USAFA Class Reunions will eventually be found on the AOG Class Reunions page.