Checkpoints Fall 2011
Greetings 78ers… I hope everyone had a great summer—the temps certainly are cooling off even in the high desert of California! Leading off this quarter is a tribute from Jack Kucera to our class and those who contributed to the Holaday Athletic Center (HAC). There were several noteworthy individual gifts as well as the many who pledged $78 for five years as part of the overall "78 Challenge." On July 22nd, the Academy and the USAFA Endowment dedicated the HAC. Jack (holding the sign), along with 12 classmates are shown below with the Supt, LtGen Gould and his wife Paula underneath the huge plaque listing all who contributed. Jack did an absolute Herculean job of coordinating and organizing the ´78 participation in this project…well done sir!
Lynn "Bach" Hollerbach shot out an announcement letting folks know that Rob "Hick" Hickey's bride Allison (´80 and retired one-star) was confirmed by the Senate back in May as the Under Secretary for Benefits at the Veterans Administration. The proud hubby is a GSer working at DNI (Director of National Intelligence) and keeping most busy. Rob added a side note that during her confirmation hearing, Allison was told by Senator Patty Murray to submit her plan of attack 45 days into her term. Allison did and was later informed by the senator that it was the best thing she had ever seen come out of the VA…wow! Bach and Mike Wright had some adult fermented beverages while Mike was in the Beltway for an Energy Conference as part of his duties with SCITOR business development. He's still living in The Springs with his wonderful wife of 33 years (married right after "hats in the air" in '78). They have three married children and…uh…seven grandchildren…impressive! Mike´s son is in the AF doing "dad's" stuff in Space Ops at Vandenberg. Mike responded to Bach´s message congratulating Hick and also mentioned that a general he briefed back in July informed him that ´78 fills 31% of all G.O. slots in the entire AF! That number might be a tad lower due to some recent retirements but is incredibly impressive none the less. Bach further noted that he and bride Grace (29th anniversary this past August…congrats!) recently stayed with Tom "T.K" Kana and his bride Sue in the Springs. Grace was there in June for a U of N. CO sorority reunion and Bach got to tag along. Turns out that Grace and Sue were best friends in high school with Grace eventually introducing Sue to T.K. when he and Bach were in the BUFF in lovely Minot. T.K. currently flies with Delta and gives Financial Planning advice on the side. Both Kana girls are out of college and doing superbly. As for the Hollerbachs, 1st LT son Nick graduated from Clemson in 2008 (Accounting major) had a UPT slot but sadly lost it due to sight issues. He´s at Wright-Patt "doing great in the F-15 SPO as an Acquisition Officer/Program Manager and is currently working F-15 Saudi FMS" while getting his MBA at the U of Dayton. Nick recently was one of the "escort officer LTs" for CORONA a last Spring and escorted Bach´s UPT T-37 desk-mate, our own Dick Newton (USAF Assistant Vice Chief). Bach´s daughter Lyndsay graduated from Auburn in 2010 with a Hotel/Restaurant Management degree and works ALION (defense contractor) as one of their Event/Conference Coordinators. She works Crystal City conference facilities so gets to see mom and dad often. Thanks for all the info Bach! Greg Postulka sent a great shot from the 37th Air Armament Symposium this month (October). The nearly 700 attendees heard from 3 speakers "wearing the '78 is Great patch": Hawk Carlisle (USAF Deputy Chief of Staff for Requirements at the Pentagon), Tom Owen (Aeronautical Systems Center CINC, Wright-Patt) and Jay Lindell (Director of Global Power Programs, SAF/AQP also at the Pentagon). Also there was the aforementioned Bach, Keith "Monty" Monteith (Boeing Biz Development Senior Manager for their Virtual Warfare Center) and Greg (NDIA Gulf Coast Chapter Symposium Chairman and works for Jacobs Technology supporting weapons programs at Eglin).
L to R: Jay, Monty, Greg, Bach, Hawk Finally, Tim Taylor had the rare treat to visit with his son, Tim Jr on the ramp at Ontario airport the other day. Young Tim is flying Chieftons for Ameriflight (as a captain) out of Burbank but will soon be upgrading to the Beach 99 and transferring to Ontario. Tim Sr is a 757/767 FO for UPS based out of Ontario (commutes from the Springs) as well and is looking forward to seeing his son quite a bit more. Proud dad made special note of the four strips on his son´s shoulders vs only three on his! Tim Jr is still a reservist in Airfield Ops here at Edwards air patch.
Well gents, that´s a wrap for this quarter. As always, my sincerest appreciation for the great info you guys send. May you all have a blessed Fall. ´78 is Great!
Class of 1978 - United States Air Force Academy as of 21 Apr 2018 |