Checkpoints, Class of 1978, March 2018
Greetings 78ers… We start with more very sad news this quarter of JJ “Harpo” Grupp’s passing in December. Harpo was an American Airlines captain, married Kevin Kregel’s sister Kathy and had five tremendous kids. He had a hugely successful career in the NY ANG as well commanding the LC-130H squadron in Schenectady (the squadron still provides airlift support to the National Science Foundation's South Pole research program with wheel-ski gear modified airplanes…the only unit in the world to fly those airplanes). We had that joy of spending several weekends with them when our youngest was at USMA and they generously opened up their place to our mob. Two of our other kids were classmates at USNA interestingly enough. If you didn’t see the announcement, Kathy and the family asked that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in Harpo’s honor to either the Fisher House Foundation, Inc.; 111 Rockville Pike Suite 420; Rockville, MD 20850-5168 or Wingman Foundation; 10915 Via Brescia, Unit 909; San Diego, CA 92129. Kathy would appreciate condolences as well at 60 Pine Hill Rd; Highland Mills, NY 10930-3423. He will be greatly missed. Cliff Huff has been most faithful as our webmaster for these many years ( ). Cliff shared last summer about a trip he made to Broken Bow NE for his half brother’s memorial. Turns out his father had married his half brother’s mother in England prior to D-Day (was in the invasion force) and moved the family to the states in 1946 as part of Operation War Bride. While the family was in NE, they came across a museum in Minden NE that has a XP-59 jet on display below. Cliff will keep the site up to date as we get nearer to the reunion.
Got a great update from Greg Marston (his admitted first update in 39 years). Being pretty humble about his past, he held off writing due to not having much of interest to report…not sure I agree with that. Greg flew Hogs after pilot training then went in the PA ANG and American Airlines. He eventually became a Squadron Commander and the Willow Grove Wing commander amassing four combat tours/80 combat missions and commanded USAF bases in Bagram AB, Afghanistan and Sather AB, Iraq. He retired as an O-6 after 30 years. At American he upgraded to captain on the Boeing 777 however a recurring back injury ended his airline career but he has become involved in the VFW serving as the local post commander. His post truly gives back with regular visits all the assisted living complexes in our area to hang out with all the old WWII and Korea vets. Greg and his bride of many years have three children (two in the military and a nurse). Son Lance was in USMC Recon with three combat tours and recently was commissioned (DG) in the ANG training to be a MQ-9 Reaper pilot at Greg’s old unit. He put on the uniform one last time at Lance’s OTS graduation dinner.
Greg also wrote an interesting book (on Amazon) called "Crisis in Baghdad - Leadership in a Risk Adverse Environment" (picture of the cover below). He talks about his command experiences of a stand-alone unit and base in Iraq, as well as leadership in general (military and civilian settings). He’s hoping to get an interview plug on Fox News early this year. Thanks for the great info Greg and appreciate you continuing to serve…I personally plan on getting the book!
Heard from fellow D & B er Chuck Chuva who has been a captain for Northwest and now Delta for several years. He shared how he and Paul Morell were also NJ high school classmates with both landing on Aptitude Pro Doolie year! Obviously they both overcame that with superb future results. Chuck also joined the ranks of USAFA “grad dads” when son Dean graduated in 2009. Dean is about to pin on major and looks to make the USAF a career. To say Chuck is immensely proud is an understatement as we who are fortunate enough to be in that group can attest. Looking forward to catching up at the reunion Chuck and thanks for the great message. Speaking of the reunion, two quick items. I’ve mentioned the world’s greatest USAFA tailgate (joint 77-78) in the past. Dave Maher wrote to remind everyone that they meet in Parking Lot 4, along the tree line, “…generally three hours before kickoff, rain or shine, with plenty of food, beverage, and fellowship.” He does appreciates advance notice ( but as a multiple time notification criminal I can attest that if you forget, show up anyway. Guests can bring food and adult/non adult beverages to share, or can throw some $ in the bucket. After the game, when everyone else is fighting the traffic to get off-base, the gang usually reconvenes for a bit, until the traffic thins. Dave and bride Sheila are usually joined by Ernie/Marie St Gelais, Wayne/Theresa Scheller and Winston/Amy Churchil. These folks are professionals guys…you don’t want to miss it! Thanks Dave for keeping this going for so long. Finally, Bees Kellenbence continues to lead the reunion charge with the committee having met several times. The exact date is still being worked (look for updates on the class web site and our Linked In group ’78 Is Great) and hopefully will be determined soon. In the mean time, if you want to definitely receive regular updates via the AOG (and you’re a member), please make sure the they have your current e-mail address. Apparently there are literally hundreds of us they can’t contact (well over half the class) so please let Brandi Lortz know at If you’re not an AOG member, contact Bees directly at and he’ll pass on the update. The 40th is usually the most well attended (and fun) reunion and it won’t be the same without all of us who want to attend getting current info. I hope everyone is having a blessed winter. Truly looking forward to this fall! ’78 IS GREAT!
Class of 1978 - United States Air Force Academy as of 21 Apr 2018 |